Good afternoon my Dear Wild Ones! During times of struggle don’t forget that Mother Earth🌍 offers her gifts daily to us. One of her gifts is Trees 🌳. Connecting with trees can offer us a place to go to for grounding and knowledge. Learning to be a more connected person is not always easy. There are many doorways and lessons to be learned. Many veils and old belief systems to be lifted and re-arranged. But Trees 🌳 remind us how to weather storms and continue on with grace.
I challenge you to find a tree🌳 to connect with today. If you physically can’t be there, connect with this tree in your mind. Do this for at least 10 mins. See what kind of message this tree has waiting for you.
“Be like a tree, Stay grounded, Connect with your roots, Turn over a new leaf, Bend before your break, Enjoy your unique natural beauty, Keep growing”.
Love and Light to you my Dear Wild Ones!!!! ❤❤